Colin Gillespie is the author of some 27 scientific research publications in the fields of quantum physics, molecular biology, neurophysiology, and radiation biology. He co-authored a graduate text on timescale in physics, chemistry and biology. He has published works on social planning, class actions, aboriginal law, indigenous governance and environmental management.

He co-wrote with Don Chapman an editorial on "The Power of Radiation Biophysics – Let’s Use It" in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 2012, Amsterdam: Elsevier, v. 84, p. 309.

He has published an eBook (This Changes Everything, 2012,Winnipeg: Big Fizz) and a book about physics and philosophy of the universe (Time One: Discover How the Universe Began, 2013, hard cover Big Fizz Inc., eBook: RosettaBooks, New York). His most recent book (Portrait of a People, 2017, Big Fizz Inc.) is about the quest for survival of the Pimichikimak in northern Manitoba, Canada.

He has more books on the go. He writes a monthly column on Science and Technology in the Winnipeg Free Press and a weekly blog, Science Seen, on science in our daily world.

Publication References:


 “Before the Big Bang”
Colin Gillespie
Winnipeg Free Press, 24 January 2015, p. D4

“The Supersymmetry Calamity”
Colin Gillespie
Winnipeg Free Press, 31 January 2015, p. D4

“Physics and the Common Cold”'
Colin Gillespie
Winnipeg Free Press, 7 March 2015, p. D4

“The Vax and Nothing but the Facts”
Colin Gillespie
Winnipeg Free Press, 18 April 2015, p. D4 



"Enforceable Rights from Administrative Guidelines?"
C.J. Gillespie
Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice (1990) 3, 204.

“Environmental Regulatory Flexibility in Manitoba”
J.M. McKernan & C.J. Gillespie
Proc. AWMA (1993) 151.05.

“Managing Environmental Assessments in Canada”
C.J. Gillespie & J.M. McKernan
Proc. AWMA (1993) 151.07.


("Radiation-Induced Events and Their Time Scale in Mammalian Cells"
J.D. Chapman & C.J. Gillespie
in Advances in Radiation Biology, ed. J.T. Lett, Academic Press, New York, (1981) 9, 143.

"The Scope of the Class Action in Canada"
C.J. Gillespie
Manitoba Law Journal (1981) 11, 215.

"On Public Appropriation of Indian Water Rights"
C.J. Gillespie
Resources (1987) 18, 4.


"Kinetics of the Single-Strand Repair Mechanism in Mammalian Cells"
D.L. Dugle & C.J. Gillespie
in Molecular Mechanisms for Repair of DNA, eds. P.C. Hanawalt & R.B. Setlow, Plenum Press, New York (1975) vol. B, 685.

"Survival of X-Irradiated Hamster Cells: Analysis in Terms of the Chadwick-Leenhouts Model"
C.J. Gillespie, J.D. Chapman, A.P. Reuvers & D.L. Dugle,
in Cell Survival after Low Doses of Radiation: Theoretical and Clinical Implications, ed. T. Alper,The Institute of Physics & John Wiley, London (1975), 25.

"The Inactivation of Chinese Hamster Cells by X-Rays: Synchronized and Exponential Cell Populations"
C.J. Gillespie, J.D. Chapman, A.P. Reuvers & D.L. Dugle
Radiation Research (1975) 64, 353.

"Radioprotectors, Radiosensitizers, and the Shape of the Mammalian Cell Survival Curve"
J.D. Chapman, C.J. Gillespie, A.P. Reuvers & D.L. Dugle
in Cell Survival after Low Doses of Radiation: Theoretical and Clinical Implications, ed. T. Alper,The Institute of Physics & John Wiley, London (1975), 135.

"The Inactivation of Chinese Hamster Cells by X-Rays: The Effects of Chemical Modifiers on Single- and Double-Events"
J.D. Chapman, C.J. Gillespie, A.P. Reuvers & D.L. Dugle
Radiation Research (1975) 64, 365.

"Radiation Inactivation of Mammalian Cells by Single- and Double-Events"
J.D. Chapman, A.P. Reuvers & C.J. Gillespie
Biophysical Journal (1975) 15, 17A.

"Chemical Radiosensitization Studies with Mammalian Cells Growing in Vitro"
J.D. Chapman, D.L. Dugle, A.P. Reuvers, C.J. Gillespie & J. Borsa
in Radiation Research - Biomedical, Chemical and Physical Perspectives, eds. O.F. Nygaard, H.I. Adler & W.K. Sinclair Academic Press, New York (1975) 752.

"Towards a Molecular Theory of the Nerve Membrane: The Sufficiency of a Single-Ion Queue"
C.J. Gillespie
Journal of Theoretical Biology (1976) 58, 477.

"DNA Damage and Repair in Relation to Mammalian Cell Survival: Implications for Microdosimetry"
C.J. Gillespie, D.L. Dugle, J.D. Chapman, A.P. Reuvers & S.D. Doern,
in Symposium on Microdosimetry, Euratom, Commission of the European Communities (1976), 799.

"DNA Damage and Repair in Relation to Mammalian Cell Survival: Implications for Microdosimetry"
J.D. Chapman, A.P. Reuvers, S.D. Doern, C.J. Gillespie & D.L. Dugle,
in Symposium on Microdosimetry, Euratom, Commission of the European Communities (1976), 775.

"Towards a Molecular Theory of the Nerve Membrane: Inactivation"
C.J. Gillespie
Journal of Theoretical Biology (1976) 60, 19.

"DNA Strand Breaks, Repair and Survival in X-Irradiated Mammalian Cells"
D.L. Dugle, C.J. Gillespie & J.D. Chapman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. (1976) 73, 809.

"Social Planning Issues in the North"
C.J. Gillespie
Canadian Institute of Planners Forum (1976), 10.

"Radioprotection by DMSO of Mammalian Cells Exposed to X-Rays and to Heavy Charged-Particle Beams"
J.D. Chapman, S.D. Doern, A.P. Reuvers, C.J. Gillespie, E.A. Blakely, K.C. Smith, A. Chatterjee & C.A. Tobias
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (1979) 16, 29.


"A Fortran Program to Analyse Sedimentation Profiles of Irradiated DNA"
G.S. Gislason & C.J. Gillespie
Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment (1971) Report No. 61.

"The Energy of Cation-Anion Pairs in a Lecithin Membrane"
C.J. Gillespie
Biophysical Society Abstracts (1971) 11, 11A.

"Random Break Analysis of DNA Sedimentation Profiles"
C.J. Gillespie, G.S. Gislason, D.L. Dugle & J.D. Chapman
Radiation Research (1972) 51, 272.

"Sedimentation of High Molecular Weight Single Strand DNA from Mammalian Cells"
D.L. Dugle & C.J. Gillespie
Radiation Research Society Abstracts (1972), 4.

"Radiation-Induced Strand Breakage in Mammalian Cell DNA, I. Enhancementof Single-Strand Breakage by Chemical Radiosensitizers"
D.L. Dugle, J.D. Chapman, C.J. Gillespie, J. Borsa, R.G. Webb, B.E. Meeker & A.P. Reuvers
International Journal of Radiation Biology (1972) 22, 545.

"Towards a Molecular Theory of the Nerve Membrane"
C.J. Gillespie
Journal of Theoretical Biology (1973) 40, 409.

"Towards a Molecular Theory of the Nerve Membrane: The Significance of the Quasithreshold Behaviour"
C.J. Gillespie
Journal of Theoretical Biology (1973) 42, 519.

"The Validity of the Independence Principle and the Constant Field Equation"
C.J. Gillespie
Biophysical Journal (1973) 13, 165A.

"Towards a Molecular Theory of the Nerve Membrane: Prediction of the Maximum Negative Conductance"
C.J. Gillespie
Journal of Theoretical Biology (1973) 42, 533.

"Towards a Molecular Theory of the Nerve Membrane: The Significance of the Quasithreshold Behaviour"
C.J. Gillespie
Journal of Theoretical Biology (1973) 42, 519.

"The Validity of the Independence Principle and the Constant Field Equation"
C.J. Gillespie
Biophysical Journal (1973) 13, 165A.

"Towards a Molecular Theory of the Nerve Membrane: Prediction of the Maximum Negative Conductance"
C.J. Gillespie
Journal of Theoretical Biology (1973) 42, 533.

"Correlation between Lethality and DNA Single-Strand Breaks in Bacillus Subtilis Cells Treated with N-methyl-n'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine"
D.L. Dugle, C.E. Campbell, B.E. Meeker & C.J. Gillespie
Mutation Research (1973) 18, 237.


"Electron Tunneling between Superconducting Thin Films"
C.J. Gillespie
The Physics of Thin Films, ed. S.G. Tomlin, University of Adelaide Press (1966), 121.

"Effects of Film Geometry on Superconductive Tunneling"
C.J. Gillespie & W.A. Rachinger
Journal of Applied Physics (1966) 38, 2615.

"Study of Superconductors by Electron Tunneling"
C.J. Gillespie
Doctoral Thesis, Monash University, 1967;

"Ion Sorption Potentials Near a Model Membrane"
C.J. Gillespie
Biophysical Journal (1969) 9, A40.

"Ion Sorption and the Potential Profile Near a Model Lecithin Membrane"
C.J. Gillespie
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (1970) 203, 47.